…. and in with 2008.
What a year it’s been too, eh? The girls have grown loads this year, especially Lisa. The girls all went to China this year for just over 2 months.. they had a great time there. Lisa attended a pre-school much of the time while she was there so her Chinese really improved with that. Had to teach her a little English when she got back haha If anyone hadn’t noticed from the pictures of Yuki, she’s no longer wearing glasses! She had laser eye surgery while she was in China.
After the girls got back we started doing some camping.. albeit only a couple of trips, the weather this past summer was dreadful. Way way too much rain. But they needed it here. There’s been water restrictions in place for years, I just can’t figure it out, England is an island, how can you run out of water 🙂 (yes I know all about it, don’t get all technical on me and try to explain it.. it’s a joke son, laugh!)
There hasn’t been anything big for me this year really. I’ve just plugged along with life.. living and working and working and living. Wish I could do a lot more living and a lot less working haha but we haven’t won the lottery yet so .. it’s back to work on Jan 2nd for me.
We would like to thank everyone that’s stopped by to read the blog in 2007 and hope you’ll come back around in the 2008. Now that the site will support comments with very little fear of those bastar.. er spammers it should help you to interact with us more, once again.
Happy New Year!!
Emma, Lisa, Yuki and Rob
From the McKenzie’s in Joyceville….. to the McKenzie’s in Cottenham…..HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
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