It seems that my blog has been suffering neglect for quite some time … my last post was June 2014 – WOW. I’ve pretty much moved away from blogging to social networks and producing a bunch of videos on Youtube of things I’ve been up to.
My videos can be here by CLICKING HERE. Lots of outdoor stuff and more recently sewing videos for gear I’m learning to make. A couple of the most recent videos. Go and check out my channel, don’t forget to subscribe to find out when I post new videos.
I hope I’ll be able to get more posts on here, however I find it much easier to communicate things going on via social media sites and better still through my YouTube videos, which I hope to get more and more videos up. I just need some time to get out and do stuff LOL
Anyhow, thanks for checking into the blog and I will try to keep updating it more than just once a year 🙁