On Sunday (March 4th) I’d booked a 2 hour slot with The Works Studio in Croxton, St. Neots. This was the first time I’d been “on my own” too shoot in a studio. In my previous blog posting you’d seen I’d attended a 1 day lighting course in the place location. It was quite a bit different just being left to my own in there haha but in a good way.
The models for the day were Yuki, Lisa and Emma. They all had a great time getting their photos taken and all were pretty good models (I think). Lisa really got into the swing of things, every time she heard the “pop” of the flashes she’d move a bit and take a new pose, it was just automatic towards the end haha. Emma also got into the groove but she was going for a more silly sort of thing most of the time.
I was really surprised by the time, I’d expect things to be more rushed then they were and really hoped that 2 hours would be enough to get some good pics, as it turned out we ended up leaving about 15 mins early. We were all tried and getting quite hungry so packed it up. In the end I came away with around 350 photos, I shot everything in RAW format (around 6.3 GB of photos). RAW gives the best chance at trying to recover any slightly bad photos.
Towards the end I’d asked Martyn (the owner) to lend a hand and take a few family photos of all 4 of us. I’d thought about using a tripod but none there had the ability to pend and shoot portrait mode so I needed a hand.
Anyhow, you can see the photos by CLICKING HERE, I’ve not uploaded all the photos from the day, there were lots of nearly duplicate photos or ones I just didn’t see the need to publish.
Here are some samples though
I will certainly get myself back to a Studio again in the future, it’s rather good fun shooting in that sort of environment .. total control of the lighting and better control of the climate as well haha no rain or really cold temps (or hot in the summer) to deal with. I may already have some others to shoot in the future, watch this space 🙂